Category: Defective Drugs

Texas LightEyez MSM Eye Drops Lawyer

Texas LightEyez MSM Eye Drops Lawyer

The Clark Firm, LLP is investigating cases for people who were diagnosed with an infection after using LightEyez MSM Eye Drops.

Texas Ozempic Stomach Paralysis Lawyer

Texas Ozempic Stomach Paralysis Lawyer

The Clark Firm, LLP is investigating cases for people who were diagnosed with stomach paralysis after taking Ozempic.

Texas Weight-Loss Drug Stomach Paralysis Lawyer

Texas Weight-Loss Drug Stomach Paralysis Lawyer

The Clark Firm, LLP is investigating cases for people who were diagnosed with stomach paralysis from weight-loss drugs like Ozempic, Mounjaro, and others.

Texas Ditropan Class Action Lawyer

Texas Ditropan Class Action Lawyer

The Clark Firm, LLP is investigating cases for people with dementia who took the overactive bladder drug Ditropan® (oxybutynin).

Texas Ditropan XL Lawyer

Texas Ditropan XL Lawyer

The Clark Firm, LLP is investigating cases for people with dementia who took Ditropan XL (oxybutynin) for overactive bladder symptoms.

Texas Ditropan Dementia Lawyer

Texas Ditropan Dementia Lawyer

The Clark Firm, LLP is investigating cases for people who were diagnosed with dementia after using Ditropan or Ditropan XL for overactive bladder disease.

Texas Tepezza Hearing Loss Lawyer

Texas Tepezza Hearing Loss Lawyer

The Clark Firm, LLP is investigating cases for people who were diagnosed with hearing loss after using Tepezza.

Texas Delsam Pharma Eye Drop Lawyer

Texas Delsam Pharma Eye Drop Lawyer

The Clark Firm, LLP is investigating cases for people who were infected with Pseudomonas bacteria from Delsam Pharma Eye Drops.

Texas Purely Soothing Eye Drops Lawyer

Texas Purely Soothing Eye Drops Lawyer

The Clark Firm, LLP is investigating cases for people who had an eye infection, vision loss, or blindness from Purely Soothing 15% MSM Eye Drops.

Texas Ulcerative Colitis Lawyer

Texas Ulcerative Colitis Lawyer

The Clark Firm, LLP is investigating cases for people with ulcerative colitis who developed Interstitial Lung Disease after taking Entyvio®.