
Texas Victoza Pancreatic Cancer Lawyer

Victoza is a diabetes drug that has been linked to pancreatic cancer, an extremely dangerous type of cancer that is rarely diagnosed in its early stages.

Texas Safyral Stroke Lawyer

A severe side effect of Safyral is an ischemic stroke. This serious medical condition occurs when a blood clot travels to the brain and gets trapped inside a major blood vessel. This cuts off the blood supply to the brain....


Texas Victoza Allergic Reaction Lawyer

Serious allergic reactions to Victoza may involve injection site reactions that spread to other parts of the body.

Texas Ocella Stroke Lawyer

Ocella has been linked to an increased risk of blood clots and strokes, even among women with no history of blood clots, stroke, or other risk factors. When a stroke occurs, a blood clot clogs a blood vessel in the...


Texas Victoza Kidney Failure Lawyer

Victoza stimulates the pancreas to secrete extra insulin. One potential side effect is kidney failure.


Texas Victoza Pancreatitis Lawyer

Unfortunately, clinical trials have linked Victoza to a 3.7-fold increased risk of acute pancreatitis, a severe condition that occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed and swollen.

Texas Victoza Thyroid Cancer Lawyer

Victoza (liraglutide) is a popular injection medication used to treat Type-2 Diabetes. Unfortunately, it has been linked to medullary thyroid cancer and papillary thyroid cancer. Overview Victoza (liraglutide) is a medication that is used to help adults with Type-2 diabetes...

Texas Beyaz Pulmonary Embolism Lawyer

Beyaz contains drospirenone, which is associated with a higher risk of blood clots. When a blood clot travels to the lungs, it causes a life-threatening condition known as a pulmonary embolism. Do I Have a Beyaz Lawsuit? Collen A. Clark...


Texas Victoza Lawyer

Since Victoza was approved in 2010, it has been linked to higher risks of pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, and thyroid cancer.

Texas Safyral Pulmonary Embolism Lawyer

A pulmonary embolism occurs when a deep-vein blood clot travels to the lungs and blocks a major artery. If the blood clot is very large, it may cut off most blood flowing to the lungs, causing the lung tissue to...