The implantable contraceptive Mirena has been linked to many serious side effects, including life-threatening uterine migration. Dozens of women have been injured after the Mirena shifted position inside the uterus. If this complication occurs, it can cause abdominal pain, and increases the risk that the device will erode into the uterine wall and perforate the uterus. Many lawsuits allege that Bayer failed to warn about the risk of “spontaneous migration” of the IUD, and only warned about migration immediately after implantation.
What is Mirena?
Mirena is a T-shaped, hormonal “intrauterine device” (IUD) that is used to reduce the chances of pregnancy. After Mirena is implanted inside a woman’s uterus, it slowly releases the hormone levonorgestrel (a type of synthetic hormone) which makes several changes to a woman’s reproductive system. It is also sometimes used by women to reduce the length of heavy, long menstrual periods.
Mirena is sold by the drug company Bayer. It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000. Since its approval, Mirena has quickly become one of the most popular contraceptives in the U.S. More than 2 million women use this contraceptive device.
Can the Mirena IUD Migrate in the Uterus?
Yes. In rare cases, the Mirena can spontaneously migrate inside the uterus. The first symptom of uterine migration may be “lost” threads. This symptom should always be investigated by a trained healthcare professional, because serious complications can occur if the Mirena is not removed.
If Mirena migrates inside the uterus, it can erode into the uterine wall and perforate the uterus. Abdominal pain is a common symptoms of this severe complication. If the uterus is perforated, Mirena can migrate outside the uterus and perforate other internal organs (such as the intestines). Other potential complications of uterine perforation include organ damage, intestinal obstruction, infection, infertility, scarring, and more.
Studies of Mirena Uterine Migration
According to this study, published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine in August 2011,
“The extrauterine migration of an intrauterine device (IUD) can be life threatening and require emergent surgical intervention and treatment. Migration is usually the result of IUD expulsion or uterine perforation. … [Migration is] an uncommon but potentially dangerous outcome of IUD placement and use.”
Mirena Side Effects
Severe side effects that have been linked to the Mirena IUD include:
- Migration of the device in the uterus
- Abscesses
- Infertility
- Infection
- Perforation of the uterus
- Perforation of the intestines
- Intestinal obstruction
- Abdominal pain
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
- Ectopic pregnancy
- And more
Mirena Lawsuits
If you were injured by the Mirena IUD, you are not alone. Bayer already faces more than 16 lawsuits pending in New Jersey state court involving 24 women. Another 7 lawsuits are pending in other state courts around the U.S. It is likely that more lawsuits will be filed as more women contact lawyers seeking justice and compensation for their injuries.
Many of these lawsuits allege that Bayer failed to adequately warn about the risk of spontaneous migration of the Mirena IUD — instead, they only warned about migration that can occur immediately after the IUD is placed.