No Longer Accepting Cases

When a health professional fails to properly diagnose or treat a patient’s medical condition – resulting in new or increased injury to the patient – malpractice is often present. Also referred to as medical negligence, malpractice is either the provision of inappropriate treatment (an act of commission) or the failure to supply proper treatment (an act of omission). There are many types of medical malpractice cases, and each case is unique. The variations are endless.

Medical Malpractice Lawsuits in Texas

  • Hospital infection lawsuits
  • Cancer misdiagnosis
  • Radiation overdose
  • Medical accident – Disability or paralysis.
  • Medical fault, misdiagnosis, or lab error which caused injuries and damages.
  • Surgical error – Loss of limb or any body part.
  • Severe infection due to a foreign object left in the body during surgery.
  • Loss of a relative due to the negligence of an organization or a health care expert.
  • Damages such as palsy because of a difficult delivery or labor.
  • False or misleading medical treatments

Medical Malpractice Statistics

  • Between 44,000 to 98,000 Americans die in hospitals each year due to preventable medical errors.
  • Just 5 percent of U.S. doctors are responsible for 54 percent of all malpractice. Source: National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB)
  • 2 million hospital patients acquire infections that result in 90,000 deaths each year. One CDC expert says that “many hospital personnel fail to follow basic infection control, such as hand washing between patient contacts.” Source: Center for Disease Control (CDC).
  • According to the Harvard Medical Practice Study, only one in eight malpractice victims ever files a claim for compensation.

Why Hire a Texas Medical Malpractice Attorney?

Unlike other types of personal injury cases, the facts necessary to prove your case are based on the medical records and testimony of medical experts. Your attorney must understand the facts of medicine and the law to effectively prepare expert medical witnesses whose testimony is necessary for any successful medical malpractice case.


Meet Your Attorney

Collen A. Clark

Collen A. Clark is a true advocate for his clients and is passionate about helping Texans that have been injured or wronged.

“Collen’s amazing success in the courtroom and well known dedication to his clients has earned him the recognition of his peers as one of The Top Trial Lawyers in Texas.”

To contact Collen, please fill out the contact form below:

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