Category: Personal Injury

Resistance Bands

Senator Harry Reid Injured by Resistance Band

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has returned to Congress after being severely injured by an exercise band, telling reporters he won’t rule out filing a lawsuit against the manufacturer.

Highway Guardrail

ET-Plus Guardrail Safety Tests Come Under Scrutiny

The New York Times reports that two United States senators have expressed concern that safety tests of a potentially-defective guardrail are inadequate and should be more rigorous.

Railroad Workers

$200 Million Settlement for Canada Railroad Disaster Victims

The Montreal Gazette reports that a $200 million settlement has been approved to compensate victims of a 2013 railroad disaster in Canada.

Highway Guardrail

Trinity Guardrail Safety Tests Resume in San Antonio, Texas

Safety tests involving a guardrail resumed yesterday in San Antonio, Texas, where a producer for local news KSAT observed the fourth out of eight tests.

Highway Guardrail

Missouri and Kansas Ban ET-Plus Guardrail Installations

Kansas and Missouri have joined about 40 other states in removing the ET-Plus from their list of approved highway guardrails.

Child in New York Dies from Liquid Nicotine Poisoning

A child died of nicotine poisoning after accidentally swallowing the liquid for an e-cigarette.

Highway Guardrail

“Exit Gap” on Guardrails in Safety Tests Widened

The New York Times has found that the dimensions on half of the guardrails that are being crash-tested this week in Texas are different from most of the potentially defective guardrails installed on highways.

Texas Crossbow Injury Lawyer

Dozens of hunters have had thumb amputations or severe injuries after using crossbows that were sold without thumb-guards. Thousands of crossbows have also been recalled because they can fire without warning. UPDATE: Barnett Faces 30 Crossbow Injury Lawsuits February 5,...

Highway Guardrail

Media Not Allowed to Watch Guardrail Crash Tests in Texas

ABC13 News Now reports that Trinity Industries, the maker of the ET-Plus highway guardrail, will not allow members of the media to observe federally-mandated crash tests scheduled to begin later this month.

Grill Brush

Wire Grill Brush Bristles Continue to Pose Safety Hazard

Our law firm is filing lawsuits for people who were hospitalized or needed surgery after accidentally swallowing a wire grill brush bristle.