Artificial flavoring chemicals in e-cigarettes are a risk-factor for asthma. Many experts say the risk is unnecessary and flavorings like diacetyl and acetyl propionyl should be removed.
Need a Texas E-Cigarette Lawyer? Collen A. Clark is a true advocate for his clients and is passionate about helping Texans that have been injured or wronged. If you or a loved one was diagnosed with asthma, you should contact our lawyers immediately. You may be entitled to compensation by filing a lawsuit in Texas.
E-Cigarettes and Asthma
The link between e-cigarettes and asthma is not well-studied. Asthma can get worse by breathing irritating substances, vaping e-cigarettes, or smoking cigarettes. However, some studies have found that cigarette smokers with preexisting asthma who switched to e-cigarettes had improvements in lung function.
What is the problem?
People who support e-cigarettes say they can help people quit smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes. E-cigarettes are also seen as healthier because they do not have tar or secondhand smoke. The problem is that e-cigarettes and vaping liquids often contain flavoring chemicals like diacetyl and acetyl propionyl that are known risk-factors for lung diseases and asthma.
Unnecessary Risk Can Be Avoided
Tobacco cigarettes often contain more flavoring chemicals than the average e-cigarette. However, some e-cigarettes contain massive amounts of flavoring chemicals that exceed the daily exposure limit for workers in factories where flavoring chemicals are used. Flavor ingredients in e-cigarettes are an avoidable risk and many experts say the chemicals should be removed.
Studies of Diacetyl in E-Cigarettes
- In 2014, Nicotine and Tobacco Research published an evaluation of 159 sweet-flavored e-cigarette liquids and found diacetyl or acetyl propionyl in 74% of products. Nearly half of the samples exceeded daily exposure limits for the chemicals.
- In 2015, Environmental Health Perspectives published a study of 51 vaping liquids and found diacetyl in 76% of products. The highest amount of diacetyl found was 239 μg/e-cigarette, which is over 4X the daily exposure limit.
What is Asthma?
Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows airways in the lungs. People with asthma may have muscle spasms on the bronchi of the lungs, which causes sudden and severe breathing problems (asthma attacks). There is no cure for asthma, but treatments can help manage the condition and improve quality of life.
Symptoms of Asthma
- Wheezing
- Chest tightness
- Shortness of breath
- Coughing
- Problems breathing
- Fatigue
Treatment may involve using an inhaler to take medications that widen the airways and relieve inflammation. Injections and oral medications can also help. Oxygen therapy is another treatment that can decrease shortness of breath and fatigue. Severe asthma attacks that do not respond to at-home treatment with an inhaler are a life-threatening medical emergency.
Need an E-Cigarette Lawyer in Texas?
Collen A. Clark is a true advocate for his clients and is passionate about helping Texans that have been injured or wronged.
Collen’s amazing success in the courtroom and well known dedication to his clients has earned him the recognition of his peers as one of The Top Trial Lawyers in Texas.”
The Clark Firm has assembled a team of trial lawyers with more than 100 years experience, participation in over 600 jury trials and $260 million in verdicts and/or settlements. Please use the form below to contact our Texas e-cigarette lawyers for a free lawsuit review.